41. 亲爱的阿摩:我一直在想疯子尚。他们如何共存,为什么他们需要彼此。我开始思考僧侣为他们做的决定。让花知道“为什么他们不能再这样做”的决定。。。(2019年) by Amogelang Maepa 高清作品[23%]

材质 :Ceramic 尺寸 :31 × 96 cm Sculpture

亲爱的阿摩:我一直在想疯子尚。他们如何共存,为什么他们需要彼此。我开始思考僧侣为他们做的决定。让花知道“为什么他们不能再这样做”的决定。。。(2019年)-在梅帕(South African, b. 1995)

英文名称:Dear Amo I have been thinking a lot about the Maniac and the Monk. How they can coexist and why they need each other. I started to think about the decision the Monk made for them. The decision to let the Flower know \\\"why they couldn\'t do this anymore\\\"... (2019) | Available for Sale-Amogelang Maepa

45. 你喜欢马吗——美国陆军——兽医团指导你如何看护治疗马,骑马开车` Are you fond of horses – U.S. Army – The Veterinary Corps instructs you in their care and treatment, riding and driving (1919) by Horst Schreck 高清作品[23%]

Are you fond of horses – U.S. Army – The Veterinary Corps instructs you in their care and treatment, riding and driving (1919) -

图片文件尺寸: 2937 x 3789px


~ Are you fond of horses – U.S. Army – The Veterinary Corps instructs you in their care and treatment, riding and driving (1919) --Horst Schreck (美国艺术家, 1885-1967)