51. 穿着晚礼服的时装模特在杰斐逊纪念馆的台阶上姿势,带着潮汐盆地`Fashion Model posing in an Evening Gown on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial, with the Tidal Basin by Toni Frissell 高清作品[29%]

AF-Fashion Model posing in an Evening Gown on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial, with the Tidal Basin

图片文件尺寸: 5545×6000 px


-Antoinette Frissell Bacon known as Toni Frissell, was an 美国艺术家 photographer, known for her fashion photography, World War II photographs, and portraits of famous 美国艺术家s, Europeans, children, and women from all walks of life.

Fashion Model posing in an Evening Gown on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial, with the Tidal Basin in the background (Photo), by Toni Frissell

52. 芭芭拉·里贾娜·迪茨奇(Barbara Regina Dietzsch)在桌上满郁金香、列夫科扬(Levkojen)、骑士马刺(Knight’s Spur)和其他花朵的花篮` Blumenkorb Mit Tulpen, Levkojen, Rittersporn Und Anderen Blumen Auf Einem Tisch by Barbara Regina Dietzsch 高清作品[28%]

Blumenkorb Mit Tulpen, Levkojen, Rittersporn Und Anderen Blumen Auf Einem Tisch-

图片文件尺寸: 8702 x 6784px

芭芭拉·里贾娜·迪茨奇(Barbara Regina Dietzsch)在桌上满郁金香、列夫科扬(Levkojen)、骑士马刺(Knight’s Spur)和其他花朵的花篮-芭芭拉·里贾娜·迪茨奇

~ Blumenkorb Mit Tulpen, Levkojen, Rittersporn Und Anderen Blumen Auf Einem Tisch--Barbara Regina Dietzsch (德国艺术家, 1706-1783)

54. 威廉·克莱兹·赫达(Willem Claesz Heda)的一张半遮半掩的桌子上着一张班克杰静物(Banketje Still Life),旁边着一个银色塔扎(Tazza),一个火腿、桃子、一个盐窖、一个面包卷和一块白布` A Banketje Still Life With A Roemer, A Silver Tazza On Its Side, A Ham, Peaches, A Salt Cellar, A Bread Roll And A White Cloth On A Partly Draped Table by Willem Claesz Heda 高清作品[22%]

A Banketje Still Life With A Roemer, A Silver Tazza On Its Side, A Ham, Peaches, A Salt Cellar, A Bread Roll And A White Cloth On A Partly Draped Table-

图片文件尺寸: 3371 x 4000px

威廉·克莱兹·赫达(Willem Claesz Heda)的一张半遮半掩的桌子上着一张班克杰静物(Banketje Still Life),旁边着一个银色塔扎(Tazza),一个火腿、桃子、一个盐窖、一个面包卷和一块白布-海达

~ A Banketje Still Life With A Roemer, A Silver Tazza On Its Side, A Ham, Peaches, A Salt Cellar, A Bread Roll And A White Cloth On A Partly Draped Table--Willem Claesz Heda (荷兰艺术家, 1594-1680)

55. 怎么了?他怎么了?1930 by Paul Klee 高清作品[19%]

Was fehlt ihm? (What’s the Matter with Him?), 1930

材质 :Stamped drawing in ink on Ingres paper on cardboard 尺寸 :55.5 × 34 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

怎么了?他怎么了?1930-保罗·克莱(German, 1879–1940)

英文名称:Was fehlt ihm? (What’s the Matter with Him?), 1930-Paul Klee