84. 亲爱的阿摩:我一直想疯子和和尚。他们如何共存,为什么他们需要彼此。我开始思考僧侣为他们做的决定。让花知道“为什么他们不能再这样做”的决定。。。(2019年) by Amogelang Maepa 高清作品[17%]

材质 :Ceramic 尺寸 :31 × 96 cm Sculpture

亲爱的阿摩:我一直想疯子和和尚。他们如何共存,为什么他们需要彼此。我开始思考僧侣为他们做的决定。让花知道“为什么他们不能再这样做”的决定。。。(2019年)-梅帕(South African, b. 1995)

英文名称:Dear Amo I have been thinking a lot about the Maniac and the Monk. How they can coexist and why they need each other. I started to think about the decision the Monk made for them. The decision to let the Flower know \\\"why they couldn\'t do this anymore\\\"... (2019) | Available for Sale-Amogelang Maepa

86. 我们团结一起的天鹅绒誓言。。。每个星期天都会闻到你的味道。。。完美捕捉你的甜蜜(2018) by Bertrand Robert 高清作品[17%]

ce serment velouté qui nous unit... chaque dimanche effleurer ton odeur... précieusement capturer ta douceur (2018)

材质 :Papier Vinci / offset à chaud / crayon de couleur / graphite / rollers or - argent 尺寸 :30 × 30 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:ce serment velouté qui nous unit... chaque dimanche effleurer ton odeur... précieusement capturer ta douceur (2018)-Bertrand Robert

90. 竖立地平线上的桅杆;是时候它放回去了;条状堆积;和以前的余额(2006年和2009年) by Robert Jack 高清作品[17%]

Masts Founded in a Horizon; Time to Put it Back; Striated Buildup; and Previous Balance (2006 and 2009)

材质 :Four works, including three metallic ink drawings, on black pastel paper, and one casein painting, on wood 尺寸 :Related artists Mixed Media


英文名称:Masts Founded in a Horizon; Time to Put it Back; Striated Buildup; and Previous Balance (2006 and 2009)-Robert Jack