51. 饥饿,口渴,以及如何接受你日常死亡——或者,为什么我们只吃我们想要东西(一旦我们称重了),2021 by objet A.D 高清作品[27%]

Hunger, Thirst, and How to Receive Your Daily Dead--or, Why We Only Eat What We Want (Once We\'ve Been Weighed), 2021

材质 :Charcoal, Chalk, and Oil-stick on Paper 尺寸 :35.6 × 27.9 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

饥饿,口渴,以及如何接受你日常死亡——或者,为什么我们只吃我们想要东西(一旦我们称重了),2021-目标A.D(b. 1993)

英文名称:Hunger, Thirst, and How to Receive Your Daily Dead--or, Why We Only Eat What We Want (Once We\'ve Been Weighed), 2021-objet A.D

55. 如何从大卫·林奇(David Lynch)《狂野心》(Wild at Heart)电影(2020)中获得玛丽埃塔·福琼(Marietta Fortune) by Justin Morin 高清作品[27%]

How to drape Marietta Fortune from David Lynch’s Wild at Heart movie (2020)

材质 :Printed silk drapery on chromed steel tube 尺寸 :210 × 200 × 20 cm Textile Arts

如何从大卫·林奇(David Lynch)《狂野心》(Wild at Heart)电影(2020)中获得玛丽埃塔·福琼(Marietta Fortune)-贾斯汀·莫林

英文名称:How to drape Marietta Fortune from David Lynch’s Wild at Heart movie (2020)-Justin Morin