2. 触地得分,耶鲁普林斯顿,感恩节,1890年11月27日,耶鲁32,普林斯顿0` Touchdown, Yale vs. Princeton, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1890, Yale 32, Princeton 0 (1890) by Frederic Remington 高清作品[12%]

Touchdown, Yale vs. Princeton, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 189<em>0</em>, Yale 32, Princeton <em>0</em> (189<em>0</em>) -

图片文件尺寸: 3000 x 2022px


~ Touchdown, Yale vs. Princeton, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1890, Yale 32, Princeton 0 (1890) --Frederic Remington (美国艺术家, 1861 - 1909)

3. 有利位置 - 3315×2642px 高清作品[11%]

AF1<em>0</em>535<em>0</em>7B-Vantage Point

图片文件尺寸 : 3315×2642 px

有利位置-Vantage Point

-A painting of an egret, in Florida.

To provide with the best quality reproduction this painting was photographed by a professional photographer. He creates reproduction-quality digital files by direct capture, using a state-of-the-art Hasselblad camera.