12. 暖心卡 - 1000×1400px 高清作品[35%]

AFB70658B-Heart Warmer Card

图片文件尺寸 : 1000×1400 px

暖心卡-Heart Warmer Card

-Wishing you a heart warming holiday. This painting featuring a baby snow leopard surrounded by a heart of ice, is from the Holiday collection of cards by Carol Cavalaris.

17. 两只斑鸠牌 - 1400×1000px 高清作品[35%]

AFB706703-Two Turtle Doves Card

图片文件尺寸 : 1400×1000 px

两只斑鸠牌-Two Turtle Doves Card

-This painting of two turtle doves cuddled together makes a lovely holiday card. From the Holiday collection of greeting cards by Carol Cavalaris.