64. 《紫色焦虑/威胁倍增花园》没有什么隐藏在它热量/指尖带宽需求/量子霸权模仿蜜蜂(2020年) by Kirill Savchenkov 高清作品[50%]

full down garden of purple anxiety / threat multiplier nothing is hidden from its heat / bandwidth needs of fingertips / quantum supremacy mimics bees (2020)

材质 :Mixed media sculpture 尺寸 :63 × 57 × 25 cm Sculpture

《紫色焦虑/威胁倍增花园》没有什么隐藏在它热量/指尖带宽需求/量子霸权模仿蜜蜂(2020年)-基里尔·萨夫琴科夫(Russian, b. 1987)

英文名称:full down garden of purple anxiety / threat multiplier nothing is hidden from its heat / bandwidth needs of fingertips / quantum supremacy mimics bees (2020)-Kirill Savchenkov

65. 从里到下。。。结构主义基石什么?来自通用动力联合国投资组合,1970年 by Eduardo Paolozzi 高清作品[50%]

Inside Down Under... What are the Building Blocks of Structuralism? II from General Dynamic F.U.N. Portfolio, 1970

材质 :Photolithograph 尺寸 :38.1 × 25.4 cm Print

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

从里到下。。。结构主义基石什么?来自通用动力联合国投资组合,1970年-爱德华多·包洛奇(British, 1924–2005)

英文名称:Inside Down Under... What are the Building Blocks of Structuralism? II from General Dynamic F.U.N. Portfolio, 1970-Eduardo Paolozzi

66. 你身体所有细胞都相互依存。在一场家庭表演中,你呼出每一个呼气都或多或少地与世界上一切有着突然联系。那么你独特观点在哪里,你独立身份在哪里?(2018年) by Rui Ferreira 高清作品[49%]

Todas as Células do Teu Corpo São Interdependentes de Tudo o que Existe. Numa Performance Doméstica Cada Expiração Que Exalas Tem Uma Relação Mais ou Menos Súbtil Com Tudo o que Existe em Todos os Mundos. Então Onde Está o Teu Ponto de Vista Único, Onde Está a Tua Identidade Separada? (2018) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 尺寸 :200 × 160 cm Painting

你身体所有细胞都相互依存。在一场家庭表演中,你呼出每一个呼气都或多或少地与世界上一切有着突然联系。那么你独特观点在哪里,你独立身份在哪里?(2018年)-鲁伊·费雷拉(b. 1977)

英文名称:Todas as Células do Teu Corpo São Interdependentes de Tudo o que Existe. Numa Performance Doméstica Cada Expiração Que Exalas Tem Uma Relação Mais ou Menos Súbtil Com Tudo o que Existe em Todos os Mundos. Então Onde Está o Teu Ponto de Vista Único, Onde Está a Tua Identidade Separada? (2018) | Available for Sale-Rui Ferreira

70. 十字军再演。“圣地对我意味着什么?这家。我孩子家。它曾经我祖先家\\”(2016) by Tanya Habjouqa 高清作品[49%]

Crusader reenactment.  “What does the Holy Land mean to me? This is my home. My children’s home. It was once the home of my forefathers\\

材质 : 尺寸 : Photography

十字军再演。“圣地对我意味着什么?这家。我孩子家。它曾经我祖先家\\”(2016)-Tanya Habjouqa

英文名称:Crusader reenactment. “What does the Holy Land mean to me? This is my home. My children’s home. It was once the home of my forefathers\\\" (2016)-Tanya Habjouqa