52. 细想她,她是一个场合,不是无关紧要的,也不是一个包罗万象的,不是落后的,不是柔韧的或可替代的,一个矛盾的左右,她在中心,就像浸透在紫色长袍中的藏红花太阳,开始和起源谁的意愿将开花(2020) by Rina Banerjee 高清作品[30%]

Contemplate she,she is the occasion, not tangential,nor a catch all, not behind, not pliable or replaceable,a paradoxical left and right,she is in the center like saffron sun drenched in purple robes, the beginning and origin who’s willingness will flower (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic and ink on WC paper 尺寸 :38.1 × 27.9 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

细想她,她是一个场合,不是无关紧要的,也不是一个包罗万象的,不是落后的,不是柔韧的或可替代的,一个矛盾的左右,她在中心,就像浸透在紫色长袍中的藏红花太阳,开始和起源谁的意愿将开花(2020)-班尼杰(Indian, b. 1963)

英文名称:Contemplate she,she is the occasion, not tangential,nor a catch all, not behind, not pliable or replaceable,a paradoxical left and right,she is in the center like saffron sun drenched in purple robes, the beginning and origin who’s willingness will flower (2020) | Available for Sale-Rina Banerjee