45. 戴三叶草帽子的猫 - 5700×6900px 高清作品[18%]

AF663B918-Cat In The Shamrock Hat

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×6900 px

戴三叶草帽子的猫-Cat In The Shamrock Hat

Such a lucky
Green-eyed cat
Wearing a tall
Shamrock Hat
Filled with 4-leaf clover
A jeweled butty
A rainbow so bold
And a little Leprechaun
Of course, protecting
His pot of gold.

Cat in Shamrock Hat prose by Carol Cavalaris

This whimsical artwork of an orange cat with bright green eyes wearing a shamrock hat is from the Cats In Fancy Hats collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.