43. 《大野洋子与站立的女人》(1932)由加斯顿·拉查斯创作,纽约现代艺术雕塑园博物馆。c、 1960年至61年。(1960-1961) by Minoru Niizuma 高清作品[24%]

Yoko Ono with Standing Woman (1932) by Gaston Lachaise, The Museum of Modern Art Sculpture Garden, New York. c. 1960–61. (1960-1961)

材质 :This work is from an edition of unknown size. 尺寸 :About the work Photography

《大野洋子与站立的女人》(1932)由加斯顿·拉查斯创作,纽约现代艺术雕塑园博物馆。c、 1960年至61年。(1960-1961)-小新沼(1930–1998)

英文名称:Yoko Ono with Standing Woman (1932) by Gaston Lachaise, The Museum of Modern Art Sculpture Garden, New York. c. 1960–61. (1960-1961)-Minoru Niizuma

45. 女人熄灯(摘自《现代风俗:星光下的霜》系列)` Woman Putting Out a Light (from the series Modern Customs: Frost Beneath the Stars) (c. 1820) by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) 高清作品[23%]

Woman Putting Out a Light (from the series Modern Customs: Frost Beneath the Stars) (c. 1820) -

图片文件尺寸: 5553 x 7879px

女人熄灯(摘自《现代风俗:星光下的霜》系列)-Utagawa Kunisada(Toyokuni III)

~ Woman Putting Out a Light (from the series Modern Customs: Frost Beneath the Stars) (c. 1820) --Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (Japanese, 1786 – 1865)