22. 西班牙山峰;科罗拉多州科罗拉多普林神园大教堂尖顶;圣十字山(三部作品)(约1870年代) by William Henry Jackson 高清作品[35%]

Spanish Peaks; Cathedral Spires, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Mount of the Holy Cross (Three works) (circa 1870s)

材质 :Albumen prints 尺寸 :10.5 × 16.2 cm Photography


英文名称:Spanish Peaks; Cathedral Spires, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Mount of the Holy Cross (Three works) (circa 1870s)-William Henry Jackson

23. 苏伊士 - 大卫·罗伯茨,R.A。 高清作品[34%]


  • Roberts
  • Suez
  • signed and dated D Roberts. 1840 lower right, inscribed and dated SUEZ. Feby 11th 1839 lower left
  • watercolour over pencil, heightened with bodycolour, scratching out and gum arabic

    24. 一个建筑随想曲,有一位传教使徒和废墟前的人物,包括盖尤·塞提乌金字塔、特拉詹柱和贾努拱门 - 乔瓦尼·保罗·帕尼尼圈 高清作品[34%]

    An architectural capriccio with a preaching apostle and figures before ruins, including the pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Trajans column and the arch of Janus-Circle-of-Giovanni-Paolo-Panini

    An architectural capriccio with a preaching apostle and figures before ruins, including the pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Trajans column and the arch of Janus-Circle-of-Giovanni-Paolo-Panini