21. 哈丽特·塔布曼是我们村庄骄傲——当代水彩画肖像画,带有美丽金戒指(绿色+蓝色+黄色)(2021年) by Tijay Mohammed 高清作品[45%]

The Pride of Our Village, Harriet Tubman - Contemporary Watercolor Portrait with Beautiful Gold Rings (Green + Blue + Yellow) (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic, paper, fabric, charcoal and markers on cardboard 尺寸 :55.9 × 68.6 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:The Pride of Our Village, Harriet Tubman - Contemporary Watercolor Portrait with Beautiful Gold Rings (Green + Blue + Yellow) (2021) | Available for Sale-Tijay Mohammed