51. 亨利·格雷西特(Henri Gressit)在《大卫·贝拉斯科》(David Belasco)中饰演尤金妮·布莱尔(Eugenie Blair)这是一场精彩的比赛,扎扎` Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) 高清作品[46%]

Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) -

图片文件尺寸: 2543 x 3877px

亨利·格雷西特(Henri Gressit)在《大卫·贝拉斯科》(David Belasco)中饰演尤金妮·布莱尔(Eugenie Blair)这是一场精彩的比赛,扎扎

~ Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) -

55. 伊姆雷·基尔菲《威尼斯,奥林匹亚海中的新娘》是一部精彩壮观的作品` Imre Kiralfys brilliant spectacular production, Venice, the bride of the sea at Olympia (1891) by Strobridge and Co. Lith. 高清作品[46%]

Imre Kiralfys brilliant spectacular production, Venice, the bride of the sea at Olympia (1891) -

图片文件尺寸: 2525 x 1901px


~ Imre Kiralfys brilliant spectacular production, Venice, the bride of the sea at Olympia (1891) --Strobridge and Co. Lith. (美国艺术家, 19th/20th Century)

58. 亨利·格雷西特(Henri Gressit)在《大卫·贝拉斯科》(David Belasco&)中饰演尤金妮·布莱尔(Eugenie Blair)这是一场精彩的比赛,扎扎` Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) 高清作品[46%]

Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) -

图片文件尺寸: 2543 x 3877px

亨利·格雷西特(Henri Gressit)在《大卫·贝拉斯科》(David Belasco&)中饰演尤金妮·布莱尔(Eugenie Blair)这是一场精彩的比赛,扎扎

~ Henri Gressit presents Eugenie Blair in David Belascos great play, Zaza (1903) -