8. 系列\\“玫瑰在动物的鼻子上有牙齿”\\“/系列\\“玫瑰在动物的嘴里有牙齿”(2019) by San Poggio 高清作品[44%]

材质 :- Madera, ramas, masilla epoxi, pintura, caño de bronce, hilo, acrílico / Wood, branches, epoxy putty, paint, brass spout, thread, acrylic 尺寸 :270 × 100 × 100 cm Installation


英文名称:De la serie \\\"La rosa tiene dientes en el hocico de un animal\\\" / Of the series \\\"The rose has teeth in the muzzle of an animal\\\" (2019)-San Poggio