65. 有时我在工作中使用图片,这可能会让我、我的家人和我的画廊老板感到尴尬。(2019年) by Jorge Satorre 高清作品[31%]

A veces uso imágenes en mi trabajo que pueden ser vergonzosas para mí, mi familia y mis galeristas. (2019)

材质 :Pencil on paper, magnets and steel fragments. 21.6 x 27.9 cm Collage and pile of magazines 22 x 27.5 x 14 cm 尺寸 :30.4 × 22.8 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

有时我在工作中使用图片,这可能会让我、我的家人和我的画廊老板感到尴尬。(2019年)-豪尔赫·萨托尔(Mexican, b. 1979)

英文名称:A veces uso imágenes en mi trabajo que pueden ser vergonzosas para mí, mi familia y mis galeristas. (2019)-Jorge Satorre

67. 蛇形画廊老板辞职,声称她因丈夫投资与WhatsApp hack(2018-2020)相关的以色列科技公司而遭到欺凌和“误判的人身攻击”而被迫离开 by Navine G.Khan-Dossos 高清作品[28%]

Serpentine Galleries boss quits claiming she was forced out by bullying and \'misjudged personal attacks\' on her husband over his investment in Israeli tech firm linked to WhatsApp hack (2018-2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Gouache on paper 尺寸 :100 × 100 cm Painting

蛇形画廊老板辞职,声称她因丈夫投资与WhatsApp hack(2018-2020)相关的以色列科技公司而遭到欺凌和“误判的人身攻击”而被迫离开-G.Khan-Dossos先生()

英文名称:Serpentine Galleries boss quits claiming she was forced out by bullying and \'misjudged personal attacks\' on her husband over his investment in Israeli tech firm linked to WhatsApp hack (2018-2020) | Available for Sale-Navine G.Khan-Dossos