41. 竖立在地平线上的桅杆;是时候把它回去了;条状堆积;和以前的余额(2006年和2009年) by Robert Jack 高清作品[17%]

Masts Founded in a Horizon; Time to Put it Back; Striated Buildup; and Previous Balance (2006 and 2009)

材质 :Four works, including three metallic ink drawings, on black pastel paper, and one casein painting, on wood 尺寸 :Related artists Mixed Media


英文名称:Masts Founded in a Horizon; Time to Put it Back; Striated Buildup; and Previous Balance (2006 and 2009)-Robert Jack

43. 静物画:一条鳐鱼,一篮洋葱、鸡蛋、奶酪,一个绿壶和一个铜壶,在石壁架上一个研钵和杵 - 让-巴蒂斯特·西梅恩·查尔丁 高清作品[17%]

Still Life with a ray-fish, a basket of onions, eggs, cheese, a green jug and a copper pot, with a mortar and pestle on a stone ledge-Jean-Baptiste-Siméon-Chardin

Still Life with a ray-fish, a basket of onions, eggs, cheese, a green jug and a copper pot, with a mortar and pestle on a stone ledge-Jean-Baptiste-Siméon-Chardin