11. 卡维卢克斯——海寡妇给了我她的肤色(2019年) by King Houndekpinkou 高清作品[41%]

Cavilux – The Sea Widow Gave Me Her Skin Tone (2019)

材质 :Black stoneware from Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), clay from Oumgbégamé (Benin, West Africa), clay from Tamba (Japan), multiple glazes (blue, white, crawling blue), gold lustre 尺寸 :38.5 × 30 × 30 cm Sculpture

卡维卢克斯——海寡妇给了我她的肤色(2019年)-霍恩德平古国王(French, b. 1987)

英文名称:Cavilux – The Sea Widow Gave Me Her Skin Tone (2019)-King Houndekpinkou

14. 正是在伯顿和密歇根州的拐角处,我决定爱上一个浅肤色的女人,或者爱上一个美丽的屋顶(2013年) by Theaster Gates 高清作品[38%]

It was at the Corner of Burton and Michigan that I Decided to Love a Light-Skinned Woman or Roof with Beauties (2013)

材质 :Wood, roofing paper, rubber, tar, and printed paper 尺寸 :184.2 × 184.9 cm Painting

正是在伯顿和密歇根州的拐角处,我决定爱上一个浅肤色的女人,或者爱上一个美丽的屋顶(2013年)-剧院大门(American, b. 1973)

英文名称:It was at the Corner of Burton and Michigan that I Decided to Love a Light-Skinned Woman or Roof with Beauties (2013)-Theaster Gates