54. Peeter Gijsels一座装饰喷泉旁,一个覆盖着、翻倒底座前,摆放着蔬菜静物画` Still Life with Vegetables before a Draped, Overturned Plinth by an Ornamental Fountain (1680 ~ 1690) by an Ornamental Fountain by Peeter Gijsels 高清作品[40%]

Still Life with Vegetables before a Draped, Overturned Plinth by an Ornamental Fountain (1680 ~ 1690) -

图片文件尺寸: 5640 x 4582px

Peeter Gijsels一座装饰喷泉旁,一个覆盖着、翻倒底座前,摆放着蔬菜静物画-Peeter Gijsels装饰喷泉

~ Still Life with Vegetables before a Draped, Overturned Plinth by an Ornamental Fountain (1680 ~ 1690) --Peeter Gijsels (Flemish, 1621 - 1690)

58. 一个带书架抽屉式家具,画架上摆放着朱尔和妻子双画像` Et skuffemøbel med en boghylde, studie til dobbeltportrættet af Juel og hans kone ved staffeliet (1791) by Jens Juel 高清作品[39%]

Et skuffemøbel med en boghylde, studie til dobbeltportrættet af Juel og hans kone ved staffeliet (1791) -

图片文件尺寸: 2776 x 3108px


` Et skuffemøbel med en boghylde, studie til dobbeltportrættet af Juel og hans kone ved staffeliet (1791) --Jens Juel (丹麦画家, 1745-1802)

59. 在大理石壁架上花瓶里,摆放着玫瑰、牡丹、郁金香、水仙花、康夫鲁斯等静物画` Still life with roses, peonies, tulips, narcissi, convulvulus and others in a vase on a marble ledge by Arnoldus Bloemers 高清作品[39%]

Still life with roses, peonies, tulips, narcissi, convulvulus and others in a vase on a marble ledge-

图片文件尺寸: 3005 x 3660px


~ Still life with roses, peonies, tulips, narcissi, convulvulus and others in a vase on a marble ledge--Arnoldus Bloemers (荷兰艺术家, 1792–1844)