33. 三幅肖像:十字架上的圣约翰,弗朗西斯·培根,不明身份的金发,摘自1972年一本虚构的诗集《疯子》的插图 by Paul Wonner 高清作品[19%]

Three Portraits: Saint John of the Cross, Francis Bacon, Unidentified Blond, From Illustrations for an Imaginary Book of Poems Called Lunacy, 1972

材质 :Casein, charcoal, and pencil on paper 尺寸 :31.1 × 45.7 cm Painting


英文名称:Three Portraits: Saint John of the Cross, Francis Bacon, Unidentified Blond, From Illustrations for an Imaginary Book of Poems Called Lunacy, 1972-Paul Wonner

36. 西印度群岛的三幅地形图:两幅描绘圣基茨硫磺山,一幅描绘圣卢西亚的岩钉或糖面包 by John Herbert Caddy 高清作品[18%]

Three Topographical Views of the West Indies: Two Depicting Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts, One Depicting The Pitons or Sugar Loaves, St. Lucia

材质 :Watercolor on paper 尺寸 :Related artists Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:Three Topographical Views of the West Indies: Two Depicting Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts, One Depicting The Pitons or Sugar Loaves, St. Lucia-John Herbert Caddy