51. 戴着墨镜的马尾女人,头上戴着一个肩包,鞋子和汗衫上有条纹。,2013 by Julian Opie 高清作品[28%]

Woman with a pony tail wearing dark glasses on top of her head, with a shoulder bag and stripes on her shoes and sweat shirt., 2013

材质 :Vinyl on wood stretcher 尺寸 :214 × 104.9 cm Mixed Media

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

戴着墨镜的马尾女人,头上戴着一个肩包,鞋子和汗衫上有条纹。,2013-朱利安·奥佩。(British, b. 1958)

英文名称:Woman with a pony tail wearing dark glasses on top of her head, with a shoulder bag and stripes on her shoes and sweat shirt., 2013-Julian Opie

57. 4年前,Brenton头上被蜜蜂咬了,自从3, 2021以来,他的脖子一直很红,肿得很厉害。 by Dale Frank 高清作品[28%]

Brenton was bitten by a bee on his head 4 years ago and his neck has remained deep red and excessively swollen ever since 3, 2021

材质 :Pigments in easycast resin, epoxyglass on iridescent perspex 尺寸 :120 × 120 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

4年前,Brenton头上被蜜蜂咬了,自从3, 2021以来,他的脖子一直很红,肿得很厉害。-戴尔·弗兰克(Australian, b. 1959)

英文名称:Brenton was bitten by a bee on his head 4 years ago and his neck has remained deep red and excessively swollen ever since 3, 2021-Dale Frank

58. 4年前,Brenton头上被蜜蜂咬了,自从1, 2021以来,他的脖子一直很红,肿得很厉害。 by Dale Frank 高清作品[28%]

Brenton was bitten by a bee on his head 4 years ago and his neck has remained deep red and excessively swollen ever since 1, 2021

材质 :Pigments in easycast resin, epoxyglass on iridescent perspex 尺寸 :120 × 120 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

4年前,Brenton头上被蜜蜂咬了,自从1, 2021以来,他的脖子一直很红,肿得很厉害。-戴尔·弗兰克(Australian, b. 1959)

英文名称:Brenton was bitten by a bee on his head 4 years ago and his neck has remained deep red and excessively swollen ever since 1, 2021-Dale Frank