15. 有塔楼和大门的建筑物。圣玛丽和守护天使教堂圣斯坦尼斯劳斯三联翼上的浅浮雕图克拉科夫的s教堂` Buildings with towers and gates. Drawing of the bas~relief on the wing of the triptych of St Stanislaus in the Chapel of Guardian Angels at St Marys Church in Krakow (1888) by Stanisław Wyspiański 高清作品[20%]

Buildings with towers and gates. Drawing of the bas~relief on the wing of the triptych of St Stanislaus in the Chapel of Guardian Angels at St Marys Church in Krakow (1888) -

图片文件尺寸: 2450 x 3700px


~ Buildings with towers and gates. Drawing of the bas~relief on the wing of the triptych of St Stanislaus in the Chapel of Guardian Angels at St Marys Church in Krakow (1888) --Stanisław Wyspiański (波兰家, 1869-1907)