11. 戴罂粟花帽子女人 - 4800×3949px 高清作品[45%]

AF1760138-Woman In The Poppy Hat

图片文件尺寸 : 4800×3949 px

戴罂粟花帽子女人-Woman In The Poppy Hat

-She remembers a field of red poppies
on that hot summer day
where she and her beloved lay.
Oh how they laughed and played.
She remembers how he picked the blossoms
gathering a love bouquet
placing them in her hat
in such a gentle way.
She remembers how he crossed his heart
and promised he would never go away.
And every summer when the poppies come
she remembers yesterday.

Woman In The Poppy Hat prose by Carol Cavalaris

This painting of a young woman wearing a hat decorated with big poppies and remembering her lost love is from the Passion Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.

12. 帽子女人(2020) by Johnathan Ball 高清作品[45%]

Woman With Hat (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Ballpoint Pen and Watercolour Paint on Board with Silver Leaf 尺寸 :30.5 × 22.9 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px


英文名称:Woman With Hat (2020) | Available for Sale-Johnathan Ball