11. 罗马竞技场和其他罗马纪念碑的古典景观;一幅古典的风景画,人物在湖前休息,远处是一座城堡 - 简-弗兰斯-范-弗劳尔斯-叫奥里佐特 高清作品[53%]

A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond

  • Jan Frans van Bloemen, called l;Orizzonte
  • A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond
  • A classical landscape with the Colosseum and other Roman monuments;A classical landscape with figures resting before a lake, a castle beyond-JAN-FRANS-VAN-BLOEMEN,-CALLED-L\'ORIZZONTE

    18. 金色素描——抽象的蓝色和金色作品,在墨水、油画和喷漆的单字纸上。(2016) by Vivian Liddell 高清作品[51%]

    Sketch with Gold - Abstract Blue and Gold Work on Paper over Monotype in Ink, Oil and Spray Paint. (2016)

    材质 :Ink, Oil Pastel and Spray Paint on Monotype 尺寸 :50.8 × 66 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

    金色素描——抽象的蓝色和金色作品,在墨水、油画和喷漆的单字纸上。(2016)-维维安·利德尔(American, b. 1971)

    英文名称:Sketch with Gold - Abstract Blue and Gold Work on Paper over Monotype in Ink, Oil and Spray Paint. (2016)-Vivian Liddell