25. 蜘蛛变革基金:捐赠1美元,匿名发布画廊中一只狼蜘蛛,供与会者拍照,费用为100美元,用于癌症研究(2017年) by Ultra Violet Production House 高清作品[46%]

The Spiders for Change Fund: donate 1 dollar to anonymously release a wolf spider in the gallery to be photographed by an attendee for $100 towards cancer research (2017)

材质 :Https://www.etsy.com/listing/537314413/the-spiders-for-change-fund-donate-1 尺寸 :About the work Other


英文名称:The Spiders for Change Fund: donate 1 dollar to anonymously release a wolf spider in the gallery to be photographed by an attendee for $100 towards cancer research (2017)-Ultra Violet Production House