11. 五枚诗人肖像奖章,包括尼波穆塞纳·勒梅尔西尔、撒迦利亚·沃纳、皮埃尔·让·德贝兰格、拜伦勋爵和奥古斯特·马赛·巴塞莱米。其中一枚署名并注明1832年P.J.大卫,并将尼波穆塞纳·L·勒梅尔西尔与其他历史人物名字刻在一起 - Pierre-Jean-David-d#x27;激怒 高清作品[35%]

Five Portrait Medallions of Poets including Népomucène Lemercier, Zacharias Werner, Pierre-Jean de Béranger, Lord Byron, and Auguste-Marseille Barthelemy  one signed and dated P.J. David 1832 and inscribed Nepomucene L. Lemercier with names of other historical figures-Pierre-Jean-David-d#x27;Angers

Five Portrait Medallions of Poets including Népomucène Lemercier, Zacharias Werner, Pierre-Jean de Béranger, Lord Byron, and Auguste-Marseille Barthelemy one signed and dated P.J. David 1832 and inscribed Nepomucene L. Lemercier with names of other historical figures-Pierre-Jean-David-d#x27;Angers

12. 月份《历史、文学和人物批评杂志》,第3卷,第8期,一年。8(1799-1800)麂皮。。。` Le Mois ; Journal historique, littéraire et critique avec figures, Tome 3, No. 8, An. 8 (1799~1800); Peaux de Chamois… 高清作品[35%]

Le Mois ; Journal historique, littéraire et critique avec figures, Tome 3, No. 8, An. 8 (1799`1800); Peaux de Chamois…-

图片文件尺寸: 2628 x 4634px


` Le Mois ; Journal historique, littéraire et critique avec figures, Tome 3, No. 8, An. 8 (1799`1800); Peaux de Chamois…-

15. 从娱乐区挑选美(Seiro bisen awase)穿着睡衣朝鲜人三山(Tokogi no zu-朝鲜人三山)` A Selection of Beauty from the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bisen awase); Misayama of the Chojiya in Night Dress (Tokogi no zu – Chojiya Misayama) (c. 1796) by Chōbunsai Eishi 高清作品[33%]

A Selection of Beauty from the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bisen awase); Misayama of the Chojiya in Night Dress (Tokogi no zu – Chojiya Misayama) (c. 1796) -

图片文件尺寸: 1743 x 3000px

从娱乐区挑选美(Seiro bisen awase)穿着睡衣朝鲜人三山(Tokogi no zu-朝鲜人三山)-ōbunsai Eishi

~ A Selection of Beauty from the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bisen awase); Misayama of the Chojiya in Night Dress (Tokogi no zu – Chojiya Misayama) (c. 1796) --Chōbunsai Eishi (Japanese, 1756-1829)

17. 朝鲜蓟、葡萄、篮子里瓜、红孔雀、羚羊和松鸡静物画,还有一只鹦鹉和一只猴子,还有一只猫跳进窗外 - 弗兰斯·斯奈德工作室 高清作品[32%]

Still life of artichokes, grapes and a melon in a basket, a hung peacock, roebuck and grouse, together with a parrot and a monkey, a cat jumping through a window beyond-Workshop-of--Frans-Snyders

Still life of artichokes, grapes and a melon in a basket, a hung peacock, roebuck and grouse, together with a parrot and a monkey, a cat jumping through a window beyond-Workshop-of--Frans-Snyders