63. 从巴黎城市之旅(theÎle de la Cité)俯瞰浮宫和内斯勒之旅(Tour de Nesle);一个海岸河口随想曲,岸边有一个市场 - 彼得卡斯特尔三世酒店 高清作品[36%]

A view of the Palais du Louvre and the Tour de Nesle from the Île de la Cité, Paris; and A capriccio of a coastal estuary with a market on the shore-Pieter-Casteels-III

A view of the Palais du Louvre and the Tour de Nesle from the Île de la Cité, Paris; and A capriccio of a coastal estuary with a market on the shore-Pieter-Casteels-III
(从巴黎城市之旅(theÎle de la Cité)俯瞰浮宫和内斯勒之旅(Tour de Nesle);一个海岸河口随想曲,岸边有一个市场-彼得卡斯特尔三世酒店)

66. 摘自浮宫收藏迈克尔·安吉尔·博纳罗蒂(Michael Angel Buonarotti)画作` Przerys z rysunku Michała Anioła Buonarottiego ze zbiorów Luwru (1888~1889) by Stanisław Wyspiański 高清作品[35%]

Przerys z rysunku Michała Anioła Buonarottiego ze zbiorów Luwru (1888~1889) -

图片文件尺寸: 2447 x 3868px

摘自浮宫收藏迈克尔·安吉尔·博纳罗蒂(Michael Angel Buonarotti)画作-斯坦尼斯·瓦夫·怀斯皮安斯基

~ Przerys z rysunku Michała Anioła Buonarottiego ze zbiorów Luwru (1888~1889) --Stanisław Wyspiański (波兰画家, 1869-1907)

70. 13世纪和14世纪头盔图纸,以及浮宫收藏亨利二世国王头盔(约1560年)` Drawings of Helmets from the 13th and 14th Centuries and the Helmet of King Henry II (from ca. 1560) from the Louvre Collection (1890) by Stanisław Wyspiański 高清作品[35%]

Drawings of Helmets from the 13th and 14th Centuries and the Helmet of King Henry II (from ca. 1560) from the Louvre Collection (1890) -

图片文件尺寸: 2943 x 3700px


~ Drawings of Helmets from the 13th and 14th Centuries and the Helmet of King Henry II (from ca. 1560) from the Louvre Collection (1890) --Stanisław Wyspiański (波兰画家, 1869-1907)