26. 面向未来山姆大叔为服役中的每一位残疾人提供培训确保你的人接受培训红十字会` Facing the future Uncle Sam offers training to every man disabled in the service–See that your man takes it–Ask the Red Cross (1917) by C. F. Chambers 高清作品[26%]

Facing the future Uncle Sam offers training to every man disabled in the service–See that your man takes it–Ask the Red Cross (1917) -

图片文件尺寸: 6368 x 11152px


` Facing the future Uncle Sam offers training to every man disabled in the service–See that your man takes it–Ask the Red Cross (1917) --C. F. Chambers (美国艺术家, 19th/20th century)

27. 赛后车主或培训师在培训师和上骑马并与骑师交谈黑客在右边,一个赛马场在比赛后被浇水并变得崎岖不平` After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing by Samuel Alken 高清作品[26%]

After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing-

图片文件尺寸: 4096 x 2658px


~ After the Race; Owner or Trainer Riding and Conversing with Jockey on Trainers Hack; at Right, a Racehouse Being Watered and Rugged after Racing--Samuel Alken