44. 圣特蕾莎,第二位女性圣徒和慈善机构(可能祭坛画的初步研究)` Saint Theresa, a second female saint and Charity (possibly preliminary study for an altarpiece) (18th Century) by Venetian School 高清作品[29%]

Saint Theresa, a second female saint and Charity (possibly preliminary study for an altarpiece) (18th Century) -

图片文件尺寸: 2014 x 3150px


~ Saint Theresa, a second female saint and Charity (possibly preliminary study for an altarpiece) (18th Century) --Venetian School

49. 一幅骑术肖像画,画的一名骑兵卫队第1大队的军官,骑在一辆战车上,右边一名骑兵` An equestrian portrait of an officer of the 1st troop of horse grenadier guards on a bay charger, with a trooper to the right by David Morier 高清作品[29%]

An equestrian portrait of an officer of the 1st troop of horse grenadier guards on a bay charger, with a trooper to the right-

图片文件尺寸: 2913 x 3660px


` An equestrian portrait of an officer of the 1st troop of horse grenadier guards on a bay charger, with a trooper to the right--David Morier (瑞士画家, 1705–1770)