88. 杰拉德·范·洪索斯特向阿玛莉亚·范·索姆斯展示他学生路易丝·波希米亚画作` Gerard van Honthorst Showing the Drawings of his Pupil Louise of Bohemia to Amalia van Solms (1854) by Hendrik Jacobus Scholten 高清作品[18%]

Gerard van Honthorst Showing the Drawings of his Pupil Louise of Bohemia to Amalia van Solms (1854) -

图片文件尺寸: 4046 x 5074px


~ Gerard van Honthorst Showing the Drawings of his Pupil Louise of Bohemia to Amalia van Solms (1854) --Hendrik Jacobus Scholten (荷兰艺术家, 1824–1907)