81. 墙壁图纸#701:墙壁用12英寸(30厘米)的带子垂直分为两个相等的部分。在每个部分中,叠加了彩色墨水洗涤的对角左或右条纹,首先绘制者:Manfredo de Souzanetto,Jo Watanabe;第一套装置:里约热内卢国家艺术博物馆;1992年6月 by Sol LeWitt 高清作品[25%]

Wall Drawing #701: The wall is bordered and divided vertically into two equal parts by 12-inch (30 cm) bands. Within each part, diagonal left or right bands with color ink washes superimposed, First drawn by: Manfredo de Souzanetto, Jo Watanabe; First installation: Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro; June 1992

材质 :Color ink wash 尺寸 :Paula Cooper Gallery Installation

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

墙壁图纸#701:墙壁用12英寸(30厘米)的带子垂直分为两个相等的部分。在每个部分中,叠加了彩色墨水洗涤的对角左或右条纹,首先绘制者:Manfredo de Souzanetto,Jo Watanabe;第一套装置:里约热内卢国家艺术博物馆;1992年6月-索尔·莱维特(American, 1928–2007)

英文名称:Wall Drawing #701: The wall is bordered and divided vertically into two equal parts by 12-inch (30 cm) bands. Within each part, diagonal left or right bands with color ink washes superimposed, First drawn by: Manfredo de Souzanetto, Jo Watanabe; First installation: Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro; June 1992-Sol LeWitt