83. 芭芭拉·赫普沃斯爵士,六种形式(2 x 3),1968年7月9日。整体青铜底座上的青铜。图文并茂,20世纪英国艺术精品,英国女王伊丽莎白二世,库纳德-马尔伯勒伦敦画廊。1969年5月展出。(2013) by Narelle Jubelin 高清作品[23%]

Dame Barbara Hepworth, Six Forms (2 x 3) 1968 cast 7/9. Bronze on integral bronze base. Illustrated in A Selection of 20th Century British Art on Board Queen Elizabeth II, Cunard – Marlborough London Gallery. Exhibited May 1969. (2013)

材质 :Cotton on silk petit point 尺寸 :15.2 × 20.2 × 2.5 cm Other

芭芭拉·赫普沃斯爵士,六种形式(2 x 3),1968年7月9日。整体青铜底座上的青铜。图文并茂,20世纪英国艺术精品,英国女王伊丽莎白二世,库纳德-马尔伯勒伦敦画廊。1969年5月展出。(2013)-纳雷尔·朱伯林(Australian, b. 1960)

英文名称:Dame Barbara Hepworth, Six Forms (2 x 3) 1968 cast 7/9. Bronze on integral bronze base. Illustrated in A Selection of 20th Century British Art on Board Queen Elizabeth II, Cunard – Marlborough London Gallery. Exhibited May 1969. (2013)-Narelle Jubelin

84. 欣赏巴黎、香榭丽舍大街、凯旋门和塞纳河`Views of Paris, the Champs Elysees with view of the Arc de Triomphe, and view of the Seine by 19th Century European School 高清作品[23%]

AF-Views of Paris, the Champs Elysees with view of the Arc de Triomphe, and view of the Seine

图片文件尺寸: 6587×4500 px


-Views of Paris, the Champs Elysees with view of the Arc de Triomphe, and view of the Seine with the Pont de Carroussel and the Academie Francaise (Watercolor), by 19th Century European School

86. 罗马,与圣卡斯特城堡一起随意欣赏台伯河安杰洛,农民们在河岸上放牛` Rome, A Capriccio View Of The Tiber With The Castel Santangelo, Peasants With Their Cattle On The River Banks by Matthijs Schoevaerdts 高清作品[22%]

Rome, A Capriccio View Of The Tiber With The Castel Santangelo, Peasants With Their Cattle On The River Banks-

图片文件尺寸: 4000 x 2405px


~ Rome, A Capriccio View Of The Tiber With The Castel Santangelo, Peasants With Their Cattle On The River Banks--Matthijs Schoevaerdts (Flemish, 1665-1723)

87. 艾森施塔特埃斯特哈西城堡的屋内,可欣赏到赫尔曼·克恩(Hermann Kern)设计的玛丽亚·特里森厅(Maria Theresien Hall)` Interieur aus dem Schloss Esterhazy in Eisenstadt mit Blick in den Maria~Theresien~Saal by Hermann Kern 高清作品[22%]

Interieur aus dem Schloss Esterhazy in Eisenstadt mit Blick in den Maria~Theresien~Saal-

图片文件尺寸: 4102 x 3274px

艾森施塔特埃斯特哈西城堡的室内,可欣赏到赫尔曼·克恩(Hermann Kern)设计的玛丽亚·特里森厅(Maria Theresien Hall)-赫尔曼·克恩

~ Interieur aus dem Schloss Esterhazy in Eisenstadt mit Blick in den Maria~Theresien~Saal--Hermann Kern (奥地利艺术家, 1838-1912)

88. 纪念册的扉页1860-1892年荷兰绘画精品展,在阿姆斯特丹的Arti et Amicitie举行` Titelpagina van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) by Antoon Derkinderen 高清作品[22%]

Titelpagina van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) -

图片文件尺寸: 4290 x 6464px

纪念册的扉页1860-1892年荷兰艺术家绘画精品展,在阿姆斯特丹的Arti et Amicitie举行-显示下降

~ Titelpagina van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) --Antoon Derkinderen (荷兰艺术家, 1859 - 1925)

89. 纪念册的柱头1860-1892年荷兰绘画精品展,在阿姆斯特丹的Arti et Amicitie举行` Colofon van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) by Antoon Derkinderen 高清作品[22%]

Colofon van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) -

图片文件尺寸: 4200 x 6088px

纪念册的柱头1860-1892年荷兰艺术家绘画精品展,在阿姆斯特丹的Arti et Amicitie举行-显示下降

~ Colofon van Gedenkboek; Keuze~tentoonstelling van Hollandsche schilderkunst uit de jaren 1860~1892, gehouden te Amsterdam in Arti et Amicitiae (1893 ~ 1894) --Antoon Derkinderen (荷兰艺术家, 1859 - 1925)

90. 一位意大利人与一位樵夫和他的马队以及一位带着他的狗的过路人一起欣赏森林景观` An Italianate wooded landscape with a woodcutter and his team of horses and a passerby with his dog (1830) by Heinrich Bürkel 高清作品[21%]

An Italianate wooded landscape with a woodcutter and his team of horses and a passerby with his dog (1830) -

图片文件尺寸: 2340 x 2928px


~ An Italianate wooded landscape with a woodcutter and his team of horses and a passerby with his dog (1830) --Heinrich Bürkel (德国艺术家, 1802 - 1869)