81. 一种静物,猎物和肉类在栏杆上,其他鸟类则在篮子里和地上` A Still Life With Game And Meats Hanging On A Rail With Other Birds In A Basket And On The Ground (17th Century) by Tuscan School 高清作品[9%]

A Still Life With Game And Meats Hanging On A Rail With Other Birds In A Basket And On The Ground (17th Century) -

图片文件尺寸: 3660 x 2908px


~ A Still Life With Game And Meats Hanging On A Rail With Other Birds In A Basket And On The Ground (17th Century) --Tuscan School

82. 在熊、美洲虎和鳄鱼的家里,三巨头。或者,加州阿罕布拉的奇迹。叛军领袖们在他们的助手们之上盘旋,他们擅长逆向转化。牧师的存活率为50%。与此同时,一些djinn来看看发生了什么。《卡米诺》中的黑白耶稣似乎很震惊。(2021) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[8%]

In the House of the Bear, the Jaguar, and the Crocodile, The Triumvirate.  Or, the miracle at the Californian Alhambra. The rebel leaders hover above their acolytes adept in the ways of reverse conversion.  The priests have a 50 percent survival rate.  Meanwhile, some djinn show up to see what’s going on.  Black and White Jesus in the El Camino appear shocked. (2021)

材质 :Acrylic on canvas 尺寸 :182.9 × 182.9 × 3 cm Painting


英文名称:In the House of the Bear, the Jaguar, and the Crocodile, The Triumvirate. Or, the miracle at the Californian Alhambra. The rebel leaders hover above their acolytes adept in the ways of reverse conversion. The priests have a 50 percent survival rate. Meanwhile, some djinn show up to see what’s going on. Black and White Jesus in the El Camino appear shocked. (2021)-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)

83. 家里有红十字会会旗吗?你只需要一颗心和一美元——加入红十字会` Is there a Red Cross service flag in your home, A heart and a dollar are all you need – Join the Red Cross (1917) by Seiter & Kappes Litho. Co. 高清作品[8%]

Is there a Red Cross service flag in your home, A heart and a dollar are all you need – Join the Red Cross (1917) -

图片文件尺寸: 4424 x 2836px


~ Is there a Red Cross service flag in your home, A heart and a dollar are all you need – Join the Red Cross (1917) --Seiter & Kappes Litho. Co. (美国艺术家, 19th/20th Century)

84. Trompe L放在窗台上的一堆梨、苹果和坚果,以及在窗台上的一串葡萄,都在让·瓦雷特·福尔戈尔斯(Jean Valette Falgores)的画框内` Trompe Loeil Of Pears, Apples And Nuts Resting On Ledges And Bunches Of Grapes Hanging From Ledges All Within A Painted Frame by Jean Valette-Falgores 高清作品[8%]

Trompe Loeil Of Pears, Apples And Nuts Resting On Ledges And Bunches Of Grapes Hanging From Ledges All Within A Painted Frame-

图片文件尺寸: 4000 x 3206px

Trompe L放在窗台上的一堆梨、苹果和坚果,以及在窗台上的一串葡萄,都在让·瓦雷特·福尔戈尔斯(Jean Valette Falgores)的画框内-让·瓦雷特·福尔戈斯

~ Trompe Loeil Of Pears, Apples And Nuts Resting On Ledges And Bunches Of Grapes Hanging From Ledges All Within A Painted Frame--Jean Valette-Falgores (法国艺术家, 1710–1777)