81. 西蒙说,他是Centrelink的原住民,可以领取现金,斐济人在酒吧可以获得免费啤酒和footy talk,中东Taree High外可以得到学校的鸡,2020年 by Dale Frank 高清作品[17%]

Simon says that he is aboriginal at Centrelink to claim the cash, Fijian at the pub to get free beers and talk footy, and middle eastern outside Taree High to get the school chicks, 2020

材质 :Pigments in easycast resin, epoxyglass, on perspex 尺寸 :200 × 200 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

西蒙说,他是Centrelink的原住民,可以领取现金,斐济人在酒吧可以获得免费啤酒和footy talk,中东Taree High外可以得到学校的鸡,2020年-戴尔·弗兰克(Australian, b. 1959)

英文名称:Simon says that he is aboriginal at Centrelink to claim the cash, Fijian at the pub to get free beers and talk footy, and middle eastern outside Taree High to get the school chicks, 2020-Dale Frank