74. 本斯和木雕的乌木橱柜。Edwin Foley镶嵌的屋内配件和龟甲柱` The Rubens cabinet–of ebony carved. Interior fittings inlaid and columns of tortoiseshell (1910 ~ 1911) by Edwin Foley 高清作品[22%]

The Rubens cabinet–of ebony carved. Interior fittings inlaid and columns of tortoiseshell (1910 ~ 1911) -

图片文件尺寸: 3237 x 4332px

本斯和木雕的乌木橱柜。Edwin Foley镶嵌的室内配件和龟甲柱-埃德温·福利

~ The Rubens cabinet–of ebony carved. Interior fittings inlaid and columns of tortoiseshell (1910 ~ 1911) --Edwin Foley (English, 1859-1912)

78. 本斯健康天才寓言形象研究;路易十三在枫丹白露诞生` Study of the Allegorical Figure of the Genius of Health from Rubens The Birth of Louis XIII at Fontainbleau (1895~1898) by Paul Cézanne 高清作品[22%]

Study of the Allegorical Figure of the Genius of Health from Rubens The Birth of Louis XIII at Fontainbleau (1895~1898) -

图片文件尺寸: 3408 x 2198px


~ Study of the Allegorical Figure of the Genius of Health from Rubens The Birth of Louis XIII at Fontainbleau (1895~1898) --Paul Cézanne (法国艺术家, 1839-1906)