80. 臭名昭著的西方文化产物(《纽约时报》,2019年10月4日,星期五)(2020年) by Rirkrit Tiravanija & Tomas Vu 高清作品[36%]

The infamous product of Western Culture (The New York Times, Friday, October 4, 2019) (2020)

材质 :Silkscreen on newspaper 尺寸 :56 × 61 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

臭名昭著的西方文化产物(《纽约时报》,2019年10月4日,星期五)(2020年)-Rirkrit Tirania&汤玛斯·伍

英文名称:The infamous product of Western Culture (The New York Times, Friday, October 4, 2019) (2020)-Rirkrit Tiravanija & Tomas Vu