73. 《草地上的午餐:在我意识到奥德琳对她的话赋予了不同的含义(2017)之前,我是如何认为奥德琳想让我给她画画的 by Phil Rabovsky 高清作品[21%]

Luncheon on the Grass: How I Thought Audrine Wanted Me to Paint Her Before I Realized She Attached Different Meanings to Her Words (2017) | Available for Sale

材质 :Oil, acrylic, and silkscreen on canvas; plants 尺寸 :About the work Painting


英文名称:Luncheon on the Grass: How I Thought Audrine Wanted Me to Paint Her Before I Realized She Attached Different Meanings to Her Words (2017) | Available for Sale-Phil Rabovsky