76. 这是一款非常罕见、非常精致的铂金腕表,带有珐琅表盘、零位重置功能、保修和盒子,500件限量版(大约2001年)中编号为196件 by A. Lange & Söhne 高清作品[19%]

A very rare and extremely fine platinum wristwatch with enamel dial, zero-reset feature, guarantee and box, numbered 196 of a 500 pieces limited edition (Circa 2001)

材质 :Platinum 尺寸 :Related artists Fashion Design and Wearable Art


英文名称:A very rare and extremely fine platinum wristwatch with enamel dial, zero-reset feature, guarantee and box, numbered 196 of a 500 pieces limited edition (Circa 2001)-A. Lange & Söhne