67. 炮火的呼喊声和不必要的伤人声使很多人受伤。一场结束所有战争的战争,但不是真的。或者,真正的迪克测量比赛。(2021年) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[16%]

The cry of artillery and unnecessarily injured men aplenty. A war to end all wars, but not really.  Or, actual dick measuring contest. (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Acrylic and mica flake on canvas 尺寸 :183 × 183 cm Painting


英文名称:The cry of artillery and unnecessarily injured men aplenty. A war to end all wars, but not really. Or, actual dick measuring contest. (2021) | Available for Sale-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)

68. 16.第一次接触友好的曼丹。一种异国情调的毒药。17.酒会。18.早上一份发人深省的友谊协议。19.用更多的毒药换取真正有价值的商品。(2021) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[16%]

16. First contact with the friendly Mandan. A gift of exotic poison. 17. Drink Party. 18. A sobering agreement of friendship in the morning. 19. An exchange of more poisons for goods of real value. (2021)

材质 :Acrylic, ink, varnish on wood 尺寸 :17.8 × 14 × 1.3 cm Mixed Media


英文名称:16. First contact with the friendly Mandan. A gift of exotic poison. 17. Drink Party. 18. A sobering agreement of friendship in the morning. 19. An exchange of more poisons for goods of real value. (2021)-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)

70. 他们在南特威德运动人俱乐部一流的扑克机休息室见面,但直到第二天早上她付了早餐和房间费后,他才意识到她是真正的梅格·瑞安,一个著名的人,比他大15岁,2020年 by Dale Frank 高清作品[15%]

They meet in the Premier First Class Poker Machine Lounge of the South Tweed Sportmans Club but it was not till the next morning after she paid for breakfast and the room that he realised she was the real Meg Ryan, someone famous and 15 years older than him, 2020

材质 :Pigments in easycast resin, epoxyglass on perspex 尺寸 :200 × 200 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

他们在南特威德运动人俱乐部一流的扑克机休息室见面,但直到第二天早上她付了早餐和房间费后,他才意识到她是真正的梅格·瑞安,一个著名的人,比他大15岁,2020年-戴尔·弗兰克(Australian, b. 1959)

英文名称:They meet in the Premier First Class Poker Machine Lounge of the South Tweed Sportmans Club but it was not till the next morning after she paid for breakfast and the room that he realised she was the real Meg Ryan, someone famous and 15 years older than him, 2020-Dale Frank