62. 贾科莫·纳尼(Giacomo Nani)的一景画中,一个由玫瑰、郁金香、康乃馨和其他花朵组成的花环覆盖在一个石瓮周围的静物画` A Still Life With A Garland Of Roses, Tulips, Carnations And Other Flowers, Draped Around A Stone Urn In A Landscape by Giacomo Nani 高清作品[30%]

A Still Life With A Garland Of Roses, Tulips, Carnations And Other Flowers, Draped Around A Stone Urn In A Landscape-

图片文件尺寸: 3151 x 4000px

贾科莫·纳尼(Giacomo Nani)的一景画中,一个由玫瑰、郁金香、康乃馨和其他花朵组成的花环覆盖在一个石瓮周围的静物画-贾科莫·纳尼

~ A Still Life With A Garland Of Roses, Tulips, Carnations And Other Flowers, Draped Around A Stone Urn In A Landscape--Giacomo Nani (Italian, 1698-1770)

64. 卢德城堡(Sarthe)图书馆的一壁画设计,描绘了骑手在一处风景中为一个露奈特(lunette)设计的风景` Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) by Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise 高清作品[29%]

Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) -

图片文件尺寸: 3697 x 1827px


~ Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) --Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise (法国艺术家, ?-1897)

65. 年轻女孩的画像,她和她的宠物狗坐在风景中,被认为是尊敬的玛丽·莱格` A portrait of a young girl, seated in a landscape with her pet dog, thought to be the Honorable Mary Legge by English School 高清作品[28%]

A portrait of a young girl, seated in a landscape with her pet dog, thought to be the Honorable Mary Legge-

图片文件尺寸: 2390 x 2912px


~ A portrait of a young girl, seated in a landscape with her pet dog, thought to be the Honorable Mary Legge--English School