62. 科里·理查兹(Cory Richards)在珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Everest)上佩戴的一款独特而吸引人的钛钽抗磁性双计时腕表,带有昼夜指示器、中央秒和日期,所得款项将捐给慈善机构(2018年) by Vacheron & Constantin 高清作品[27%]

A unique and attractive titanium and tantalum anti-magnetic dual-time wristwatch with day/night indicator, central seconds, and date, worn by Cory Richards on Mount Everest with proceeds going to charity (2018)

材质 :Titanium, tantalum 尺寸 :Related artists Fashion Design and Wearable Art

科里·理查兹(Cory Richards)在珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Everest)上佩戴的一款独特而吸引人的钛钽抗磁性双计时腕表,带有昼夜指示器、中央秒和日期,所得款项将捐给慈善机构(2018年)-瓦切隆公司康斯坦丁

英文名称:A unique and attractive titanium and tantalum anti-magnetic dual-time wristwatch with day/night indicator, central seconds, and date, worn by Cory Richards on Mount Everest with proceeds going to charity (2018)-Vacheron & Constantin

65. Amushe omutenya noufiku wange/你是我所有的黑夜和白天(2021年) by Tuli Mekondjo 高清作品[27%]

Amushe omutenya noufiku wange / You are all my nights and days (2021)

材质 :Image transfer and gold marker on canvas, cotton embroidery thread, crochet yarn silk fabrics, rusted silk fabrics, rusted and dyed cotton fabric 尺寸 :93 × 97 cm Textile Arts

Amushe omutenya noufiku wange/你是我所有的黑夜和白天(2021年)-图利·梅孔乔(Namibian, b. 1982)

英文名称:Amushe omutenya noufiku wange / You are all my nights and days (2021)-Tuli Mekondjo