61. 艾滋病只有10年或20年才能治愈(艾滋病只有10年或20年才能治愈),1997年 by Chéri Samba 高清作品[26%]

Le Sida ne sera guérissable que dans 10 ou 20 ans (AIDS will Be Curable only in 10 or 20 years), 1997

材质 :Acrylic, Glitter, Sequins and Glue on Canvas 尺寸 :129.5 × 193 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

艾滋病只有10年或20年才能治愈(艾滋病只有10年或20年才能治愈),1997年-亲爱的桑巴舞(Congolese, b. 1956)

英文名称:Le Sida ne sera guérissable que dans 10 ou 20 ans (AIDS will Be Curable only in 10 or 20 years), 1997-Chéri Samba

62. 治愈#1,2016 by Sergio Gomez 高清作品[26%]

Healing #1, 2016

材质 :Acrylic on paper adhered to canvas 尺寸 :208.3 × 106.7 cm Painting

图片文件尺寸 : 5630 x 4332px

治愈#1,2016-赛乔-戈梅斯(Mexican-American, b. 1971)

英文名称:Healing #1, 2016-Sergio Gomez

66. 治愈莲花-太阳神经丛 - 4500×7800px 高清作品[26%]

AF8818653-Healing Lotus - Solar Plexus

图片文件尺寸 : 4500×7800 px

治愈莲花-太阳神经丛-Healing Lotus - Solar Plexus

-Solar Plexus Lotus
your color yellow
radiating warmth and the energy of emotions
helping me with my identity and self esteem.
Your element fire
keeping my inner power burning with honesty
self respect, responsibility, courage
and healing balance.

Healing Lotus Solar Plexus Chakra prose by Carol Cavalaris

This painting of lotus flowers in the healing colors of the Solar Plexus Chakra, blooming inside a lotus pod vase, is from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris. This artwork is also available in other Chakra colors, including crown, third eye, throat, heart, sacral, and root Chakras.

67. 治愈郁金香花园 - 5676×7234px 高清作品[26%]

AF18185386-Healing Tulip Garden

图片文件尺寸 : 5676×7234 px

治愈郁金香花园-Healing Tulip Garden

-When I walk
among the tulips
growing so abundantly
I feel the beauty
nurture and heal
every part of me.

Healing Tulip Garden prose by Carol Cavalaris

A garden of parrot tulips growing in healing shades of pink, rose, peach, melon, and yellow. This is a mixed medium artwork combining alcohol ink with digital painting. From the Language of Flowers, as well as Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.