68. 热带梦幻猫帽 - 5700×6900px 高清作品[28%]

AF6565156-Cat In Tropical Dreams Hat

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×6900 px

热带梦幻猫帽-Cat In Tropical Dreams Hat

-Such a contented cat
In a tropical dreams hat
Made of leaves so green
And the brightest parrot feathers
I\'ve ever seen
Lush orchids and flowers
What more could there be
Oh, look
A hummer flying so free
And just when you think
You have seen it all
You discover
A waterfall.

Cat In Tropical Dreams Hat prose by Carol Cavalaris �

This artwork of a cat wearing a hat made of tropical leaves, and decorated with colorful parrot feathers, orchids, and bird of paradise plants, is from the Cats In Fancy Hats Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris.