61. 冬天风景,一个猎鸭人带着猎物,肩上扛着枪,站在冰冻的河岸上` Winter Landscape with a Duck Hunter with Game in his Belt and his Gun over his Shoulder on the Bank of a Frozen River (c. 1625 ~ c. 1630) by Hendrick Avercamp 高清作品[46%]

Winter Landscape with a Duck Hunter with Game in his Belt and his Gun over his Shoulder on the Bank of a Frozen River (c. 1625 ~ c. 1630) -

图片文件尺寸: 5650 x 4576px


~ Winter Landscape with a Duck Hunter with Game in his Belt and his Gun over his Shoulder on the Bank of a Frozen River (c. 1625 ~ c. 1630) --Hendrick Avercamp (荷兰艺术家, 1585 - 1634)