66. 进化来认识我们:头骨发育的许多阶段描绘了成为我们人类大家庭的史诗之旅(2021年) by George Bolster 高清作品[19%]

Evolve to Recognize Us: Many Stages in Skull Development Depict the Epic Journey to Become Our Human Family (2021)

材质 :Embroidery on Jacquard tapestry 尺寸 :96.5 × 63.5 cm Painting

进化来认识我们:头骨发育的许多阶段描绘了成为我们人类大家庭的史诗之旅(2021年)-乔治·波姆(Irish, b. 1972)

英文名称:Evolve to Recognize Us: Many Stages in Skull Development Depict the Epic Journey to Become Our Human Family (2021)-George Bolster