70. 代表季节的tondi系列:冬天:雪中的村庄;春天:农民在酒馆外欢乐;夏天:农民舞蹈,17世纪 by Pieter Brueghel the Younger 高清作品[40%]

Series of tondi representing the seasons : Winter: View of a Village in the Snow  ;  Spring: Peasants making Merry outside a Tavern ; Summer: Peasants Dance, 17th Century

材质 :Panels 尺寸 :24.5 cm diameter Painting


英文名称:Series of tondi representing the seasons : Winter: View of a Village in the Snow ; Spring: Peasants making Merry outside a Tavern ; Summer: Peasants Dance, 17th Century-Pieter Brueghel the Younger