63. 1978年铸造的薄斜倚塑像工作模型这是1979-80年白色大理石的工作模型。它记录在亨利·摩尔研究所的参考LH733中 by Henry Moore 高清作品[18%]

Working Model for Thin Reclining Figure, Cast in 1978 this is the working model for the white marble of 1979-80. It is recorded in the Henry Moore Institute under the reference LH733

材质 :Bronze with rich brown and green mottled patina 尺寸 :74.3 × 35.3 cm Sculpture


英文名称:Working Model for Thin Reclining Figure, Cast in 1978 this is the working model for the white marble of 1979-80. It is recorded in the Henry Moore Institute under the reference LH733-Henry Moore