51. 玫瑰奇迹 - 6900×5700px 高清作品[28%]

AF11357579-Miracle Of A Rose - Yellow

图片文件尺寸 : 6900×5700 px

玫瑰奇迹-Miracle Of A Rose - Yellow

when our world
is cold and colorless
the miracle of a rose
on the darkest night
can fill our heart
with beauty and light.

Miracle Of A Rose prose by Carol Cavalaris

This artwork of a cluster of yellow roses with a matching dragonfly was inspired by the healing beauty of the roses in Brigitte\'s garden in France. Brigitte has over 800 varieties of roses, each grown with passion and a deep love. From Brigitte\'s Roses Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris, this art is also available in shades of lavender, mauve, and peach. Florence Delattre rose photo reference courtesy of Brigitte.