52. 《狄奥多拉皇后及其随从》(547)拜占庭(1303-1453)(1980)的分析, by Osvaldo Romberg 高清作品[30%]

材质 :Collage, acrylic and graphite on paper 尺寸 :69.8 × 100.3 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

《狄奥多拉皇后及其随从》(547)拜占庭(1303-1453)(1980)的分析,-奥斯瓦尔多·隆伯格(Argentine, 1938–2019)

英文名称:Analysis of \\\"Empress Theodora and her Attendants\\\" (547) Byzantine (1303-1453) (1980) | Available for Sale-Osvaldo Romberg

54. 完整治疗(1971) by Franco Vaccari 高清作品[30%]

Per un trattamento completo (1971) | Available for Sale

材质 :Collage, ink and photographs on paper, hard cover (engraved leather) 尺寸 :22 × 18 cm Books and Portfolios

完整治疗(1971)-弗朗哥·瓦卡里(Italian, b. 1936)

英文名称:Per un trattamento completo (1971) | Available for Sale-Franco Vaccari

60. 治疗莲花-第三只眼 - 4500×7800px 高清作品[30%]

AF881779B-Healing Lotus - Third Eye

图片文件尺寸 : 4500×7800 px

治疗莲花-第三只眼-Healing Lotus - Third Eye

-Third Eye Lotus
spirit of the subconscious
Chakra of higher wisdom
teaching me how to see truth and life
free of illusion.
Your color indigo
your element magical and mystical energies
radiating awareness of my inner and outer world
guiding me through my past, present and future
with deep understanding and healing insight
into myself and others.

Healing Lotus - Third Eye Chakra prose by Carol Cavalaris

This artwork of lotus flowers in the healing colors of the Third Eye Chakra, blooming inside a lotus pod vase, is from the Healing Collection of art by Carol Cavalaris. This artwork is also available in other Chakra colors, including crown, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root Chakras.