58. 完全不舒服的安慰——霍夫特·豪斯的妹妹,科幻作家的等待天赋(2021) by Joeun Aatchim 高清作品[16%]

Total Discomfort-Comfort-- Hoffort House Sister, A Sci-Fi Writer\'s Waiting Talent (2021)

材质 :Crushed stone and mineral pigment suspended in adhesive, pastel, color pencil, casein, and wax on silk in artist;s frame, and waxed rope 尺寸 :101 × 137.2 × 3.8 cm Painting


英文名称:Total Discomfort-Comfort-- Hoffort House Sister, A Sci-Fi Writer\'s Waiting Talent (2021)-Joeun Aatchim