55. 哈姆雷特与国王祈祷我不能我的话飞起来,我的思想留在下面没有思想的话,永远不会去天堂&; 第三幕第三场` Hamlet and the King ;Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3 by William Quiller Orchardson 高清作品[26%]

Hamlet and the King ;Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3-

图片文件尺寸: 3195 x 4480px

哈姆雷特与国王祈祷我不能我的话飞起来,我的思想留在下面没有思想的话,永远不会去天堂&; 第三幕第三场-威廉·奎勒果园

~ Hamlet and the King ;Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3--William Quiller Orchardson (Scottish, 1832–1910)

56. 哈姆雷特与国王祈祷我不能我的话飞起来,我的思想留在下面没有思想的话,永远不会去天堂; 第三幕第三场` Hamlet and the King Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3 by William Quiller Orchardson 高清作品[26%]

Hamlet and the King Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3-

图片文件尺寸: 3195 x 4480px

哈姆雷特与国王祈祷我不能我的话飞起来,我的思想留在下面没有思想的话,永远不会去天堂; 第三幕第三场-威廉·奎勒果园

~ Hamlet and the King Pray I can not. – My words fly up, My thoughts remain below; Words without Thoughts, never to heaven go. Act III, Scene 3--William Quiller Orchardson (Scottish, 1832–1910)

57. 《纽约时报》2019年6月18日(2019-2020年),蛇形画廊负责人退出,对活动艺术家说了严厉的话 by Navine G.Khan-Dossos 高清作品[26%]

Serpentine Galleries Chief Quits, With Harsh Words for Activist Artists, The New York Times 18/06/2019 (2019-2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Gouache on paper 尺寸 :100 × 100 cm Painting


英文名称:Serpentine Galleries Chief Quits, With Harsh Words for Activist Artists, The New York Times 18/06/2019 (2019-2020) | Available for Sale-Navine G.Khan-Dossos

58. 《草地上的午餐:在我意识到奥德琳对她的话赋予了不同的含义(2017)之前,我是如何认为奥德琳想让我给她画画的 by Phil Rabovsky 高清作品[25%]

Luncheon on the Grass: How I Thought Audrine Wanted Me to Paint Her Before I Realized She Attached Different Meanings to Her Words (2017) | Available for Sale

材质 :Oil, acrylic, and silkscreen on canvas; plants 尺寸 :About the work Painting


英文名称:Luncheon on the Grass: How I Thought Audrine Wanted Me to Paint Her Before I Realized She Attached Different Meanings to Her Words (2017) | Available for Sale-Phil Rabovsky

60. 新阿克苏米特石碑,或克伦肖阿克苏米特王国里基一世之死。热与猝死综合征相关性法典。如果可以的话,尽量不要死。(2018) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[25%]

New Axumite Stele, or, The Death of Ricky I of the Axumite Kingdom of Crenshaw. Codex of correlation between heat and sudden hood death syndrome. Try not to die if you can. (2018)

材质 :Acrylic & ink on canvas 尺寸 :121.9 × 91.4 cm Painting


英文名称:New Axumite Stele, or, The Death of Ricky I of the Axumite Kingdom of Crenshaw. Codex of correlation between heat and sudden hood death syndrome. Try not to die if you can. (2018)-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)